ANEA Mission

Our members are committed to quality schools, strengthening the education profession, and the well being of membership!

Mrs. Ramona Wilson - Spotlight on Success

Prior to coming to Atchison, I had the opportunity, as a United States Army wife, to work in four different states (Georgia, Kentucky, Texas and Alaska) and one foreign country (Germany).  I have worked with special needs children for 24 of my 26 years of teaching.  For the three years I lived in Germany, I was a substitute teacher for one year and taught in a second grade classroom for two years.  With each of these assignments, I have worked with many wonderfully talented teachers and students who have all played a part in helping me grow in the educator that I am today.

I have been a member of the Atchison National Education Association since 2009, when I was hired as a special education resource teacher for second grade.  At the end of the 2013 school year, I became the First Grade special education resource teacher.

I have been a member of the NEA since I began teaching in 1988.  I have always believed it is my responsibility to be an active participant in the organization, supporting educators and students in whatever arena I find myself.

I have served as a delegate of the Representative Assembly in several states, and since being a member of the ANEA, have also served on the evaluation, negotiation and calendar committees.


Mrs. Wilson